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Fundraising Events

Move-a-Thon 2025


The Move-a-Thon is a student-centered fundraiser geared towards health and an appreciation for being outside. Kids are the main drivers of their experience and everyone is encouraged to participate and move in any way that fits their lifestyle and ability!
During the weeks lead up to the event, students share their classroom fundraising page with their family friends, neighbors, and coaches to help them reach their classroom goal. 

On the day of the event, students and teachers participate in a fun series of courses designed for their age-level. There is music and cheering support, and the event culminates in a school-wide dance party and snacks!

For the 2025 Move-A-Thon, Ecole Bilingue—with the support of the Parents' Association—has decided to to donate proceeds from the Move-A-Thon to support families recovering from the Los Angeles fires, via LAUSD's Emergency Relief Fund. We thank our community for their strong support during the 2024-2025 Annual Fund, which enabled us to redirect donations to the Move-A-Thon in response to these recent events.

Move-a-Thon 2025 FAQ

List of 10 frequently asked questions.

  • What is a Move-a-Thon?

    A Move-a-Thon is a healthy, kid-centered fundraiser that promotes peer to peer outreach, an appreciation for movement, and classroom collaboration.

    On the day of the event, students participate in a course designed per division. There is music, cheering, water stations, and the event culminates in a school-wide dance party.

    Preschool course: obstacle course in the preschool yard created with the help of the Enrichment team. Staff and volunteers help the littles ones participate!

    Lower School course: K to G5 students run/walk/skip/jog/move through a course that runs the perimeter of the big yard, basketball courts, and soccer field.

    Middle School course: Middle Schoolers run on the sidewalk, around the school, from 9th st. to Heinz ave. to 10th st. to Grayson. Teachers and staff are posted all throughout the block and neighbors are forewarned for safety purposes.

    In the weeks leading up to the event, students share their classroom fundraising page with family friends, neighbors, coaches, etc. to help their class reach its goal!
  • When is EB’s Move-a-Thon?

    Thursday, February 13, 2025
  • Why does EB have a Move-a-Thon?

    Fundraising is an integral part of ensuring a healthy operating budget for the school. The Move-a-Thon provides crucial funds to support EB’s students, teachers and programs, in a way that is fun, inclusive, and utilizes peer-to-peer fundraising to extend the circle of supporters. This year (2025), proceeds will be donated to LAUSD's Emergency Relief Fund, in support of families affected by the recent fires in Los Angeles.
  • Where do the funds from the Move-a-Thon go?

    Typically, funds raised by the Move-a-Thon go towards the general operating budget of the school. A portion of the funds raised also support EB’s outdoor spaces. Proceeds are split with the Parents’ Association, one-third going to the PA and two-thirds going to EB.

    This year (2025), Ecole Bilingue—with the support of the Parents' Association—has decided to to donate proceeds from the Move-A-Thon to support families recovering from the Los Angeles fires, via LAUSD's Emergency Relief Fund
  • Why did the name change from Run-a-Thon?

    We wanted to be as inclusive as possible, recognizing that running may not be an option for everyone. With the new name, we feel that everyone can participate, regardless of ability.
  • Can parents attend the Move-a-Thon?

    The Move-A-Thon is intended to be a fun team-building exercise between teachers and students. While it's open to parents who want to cheer from the sidelines, we hope you'll consider whether your presence or departure will distract your child from the main event.

    Parents are welcome to attend the weekday morning event, either as volunteers or in the designated "cheering section." Please note that student "run times" are brief and parents are not permitted to run alongside children. For preschool parents, if you know that your presence--and subsequent departure-- may distress your child, we ask that you please follow along via livestream (from the EB YouTube Channel) instead. Feel free to reach out to moveathon@eb.org with questions.
  • What do I have to do as a parent?

    To support your child, share their class's fundraising page with your family, friends, and contacts! You can find your child/ren's class page here.

    Note that there will be no individual student pages for the 2025 Move-A-Thon. Classes will work together to meet their classroom goals by sharing one fundraising page!
  • How do I register for the Move-a-Thon?

    This year, you do not need to register your student for the Move-A-Thon. Simply find their class's fundraising page here, and start sharing!
  • Can I/supporters give via cash or check?

    Yes! Please make all checks payable to Ecole Bilingue, with Move-a-Thon in the memo line. These can be dropped off at the reception, ATTN: Development Office.
  • Are donations tax-deductible?

    Yes! You will receive a receipt from Classy if you make a gift online, or from EB if you give via check or cash, which will serve as your tax receipt.

Awards & Incentives

Everyone will participate in the Move-A-Thon and post-event dance party! Everyone's a winner, no matter what they raise.
Click on the incentive categories below to reveal details!

List of 2 items.

  • Classroom Awards & Incentives

    Community Outreach Classroom Incentive (3 classroom winners, one class per division.)

    In the classroom with the largest community outreach (highest number of donors), all students will receive a Decathlon backpack—one of which will have a gift card hidden inside! Each student in the winning class will also be entered in a raffle to win free entry to Oakland Marathon's Fun-Run or 5K. 
    Goal-Maker Award

    Each classroom that reaches its goal (equal to $100 per student) will win a special spirit day or snack of their choice!
  • All-School Awards & Incentives

    All students will receive Fun Run #'s known as Marathon Bibs
    All students will receive a Certificate of Achievement
    All students will participate in a dance party after their race!

All Are Welcome! (Anti-Discriminatory Policy)

Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley does not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion. This policy applies to all programs, services, and facilities, including applications, admissions, and employment.