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By choosing an independent bilingual school, Ecole Bilingue parents look for a combination of academic rigor and individual attention for their children, in a setting that prizes open-mindedness and cultural diversity.
EB parents come from all over the world and represent over 60 nationalities. Our parents seek to provide their children with an international experience. They recognize the value of raising their children in a community that is inclusive and welcoming, one in which people look out for and care for one another.

The EB journey is one for the whole family, and many parents and students create lifelong friends and ties during their time at Ecole Bilingue.

List of 4 items.






Parents’ Association

We have an active Parents’ Association whose goal is to build positive school spirit and to nurture communication between PA members and the school administration, faculty, and the Board of Trustees. There are no dues. All parents are automatically members of the Parents’ Association.

One key role for our Parents' Association is organizing parents to support teachers as Room Representative. Being a Room Rep can be very fun! It is a great way to feel connected to the EB community, experience what is going on in the classroom first hand, and to develop a deeper understanding of how the school works. 

To learn more about the Parents’ Association or become a Room Rep, please contact the PA at askpa@eb.org.
Hear from parents about their experience at EB.

Community Volunteering

Not only are volunteers important in creating school culture, but EB relies on parent volunteers for the classroom, to organize fun events, and more! At the classroom level, parents can volunteer their time by being a room representative, driving for field trips, helping teachers with prep work, sharing a special skill, bringing food for classroom events, helping kids get to school safely in morning carpool, or being an Annual Fund volunteer.

Annual Fund volunteers reach out to fellow parents during the Annual Fund campaign in October, helping the school raise critical funds during the largest and most important fundraiser of the year. We also hold many fun events like La Place du Marché, the Gala, and more! If you would like to get involved, please contact the PA at askpa@eb.org.

Get in touch with an eb parent

Do you have specific questions to ask a current parent at Ecole Bilingue? Fill out a short form so we can match you with a family who can contact you by email or phone and answer any questions you may have.

EB community support page

EB is blessed with a diverse group of parents and alumni, many of whom own or work at local businesses. We encourage our community to support fellow EB businesses when they can! Some of the businesses featured include landscaping, online yoga, delicious crepes to order and more. 

Order Spiritwear

Are you looking to order EB hoodies, t-shirts, and bags for your family and friends? The PA and admin teamed up to launch the new online spirit wear store — with all kinds of fun goodies for all ages!


All Are Welcome! (Anti-Discriminatory Policy)

Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley does not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion. This policy applies to all programs, services, and facilities, including applications, admissions, and employment.