Event Detail

PEN: Educational Therapist (VIRTUAL)

Join LDSG's upcoming panel discussion covering the topic of how Educational Therapists for neuro-diverse students might help improve a student's educational journey.  Our panel will feature credentialed Educational Therapists who help students at various stages of their academic journey. This panel will give parents of neuro-diverse students an opportunity to get a 360 view of how this tool might work for them. This discussion will be led by EB’s SST Coordinator  Bénédicte Cambon-Ritter. Panelists include licensed therapists Julie Stoner, Stephanie Scholar, and Kersten Goldsmith. Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/4214326448?pwd=R2JsQ2JWSFhmeks2b3RHWTRkemhhZz09

All Are Welcome! (Anti-Discriminatory Policy)

Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley does not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion. This policy applies to all programs, services, and facilities, including applications, admissions, and employment.